In recent years, attention has turned to Gambia and the paucity in their educational system. International organizations who understand the concept that each country must improve educationally and socially in order for the world to function optimally, have started to help Gambia pour into their youths through educational channels.
Humanitarian and government efforts have resulted in increased enrolment in Gambian schools. Notwithstanding the increase, one report noted that, “While primary school enrollment was at 428,053 children in 2023, more than 46,000 children in the country are still out of school and face a potentially challenging future if they grow up without appropriate education or skills. Children miss out on so many crucial opportunities when they are denied the right to education, a basic right that no child should have to struggle for. [1]
There is still much work to be done to help Gambian youths access quality education and upward social mobility. Some of the challenges that still stand between the youths and their educational attainment include:
- Negative socio-cultural attitudes. Many still do not see the value of education.
- Gender discrimination. Particularly in poorer families, girls are not given the opportunity of an education.
- Lack of school infrastructure. Many schools need structural stability both in terms of capital and human resources.
- Challenging geographies. Youths located in challenging geographical terrain find it hard to access schools.
- Associated school costs. Basic auxiliary costs of books, uniforms etc. are usually too high for the average Gambian family to afford.
- Overage status
- Accelerated Learning Programmes
- Community sensitization
- Construction of proper school facilities
- Construction and rehabilitation of schools
- Provision on learning material and bicycles
- Cash transfers 2 [2]
Past examples have shown that the pathway to improvement for Gambian youths is possible. As organizations reach, one community at a time, bonds are formed, cultural attitudes towards education change and youths begin to catch a glimpse and envision their future through educated lenses.