The GGFF’s Core Values Commitment
This Core Values Commitment describes who we are, what we do, and how we do it. It reflects our Core Values of COMPASSION, COLLABORATION, COMMITMENT TO EQUALITY, CLARITY, DIVERSITY, INTEGRITY, and PURPOSEFULNESS, which serve as a foundation for all that we do. The GGFF’s Core Values Commitment articulates our shared expectations of each other, including our board, staff, volunteers, interns, partners and contractors globally.
At the GGFF, our core values of COMPASSION, COLLABORATION, COMMITMENT TO EQUALITY, CLARITY, DIVERSITY, INTEGRITY, and PURPOSEFULNESS demand accelerated action to end social, racial and gender injustice everywhere, and we know that we must start with ourselves.
Our team:
The GGFF has a diverse team worldwide. Alone on our Board of Directors, we have leaders from various countries in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Europe and North America.
95% of our team are from countries we serve around the world.
The GGFF operates in more than 5 countries in four geographic regions with a potential to reach millions of people.
The GGFF team consists of people who identify as: Black, Indigenous, or People of Color, White, Caucasian, Asians.
We know that leadership is more than just representation, but we are deeply committed to improving, and we are setting aspirational goals to create this change.
The GGFF Board commitments:
We also are committed to a Board that is gender balanced. At the moment most of The GGFF leadership identifies as women. However, we will make every effort to include qualified leaders of every gender.
Leadership commitments:
We will maintain leadership of at least 50% women at the Director level and above.
We will continue to challenge and push to create a better GGFF. We look forward to working together to ensure diversity, equity, and inclusion, and to using our voices as allies and advocates in this essential fight. We look forward to continuing to listen and learn and add to our commitments to achieve a stronger organization, more powerfully contributing to social justice in the world.
Other Core commitments:
We believe in urgent, transformative action within the world and our own organization.
We collaborate hand-in-hand with communities to fulfill their rights, responsibilities, and aspirations.
We deliver life-changing and measurable results using innovative approaches that last.
We strive to improve constantly, learn from mistakes, and embrace change.
We zealously advocate with stakeholders to meaningfully address the underlying causes of learning poverty.
We are accountable to the people and partners we humbly serve, transparently sharing our results, stories and lessons.
We demonstrate our unshakable commitment to people by exemplifying strong moral character, compassion and a desire for trust.
We are accountable to and transparent with each other, donors, partners, and the people we serve.
We comply with applicable laws and regulations, as well as The GGFF’s policies and procedures.
We are responsible stewards of the funds entrusted to us, and strive to eliminate unnecessary expense.
We do not engage in or tolerate fraud, dishonesty, theft, corruption, nepotism, or bribery.
We avoid and report conflicts of interest and any situation that may create the appearance of a conflict.
We know that by embracing diversity and differences, actively including a variety of voices, and joining together we can solve the world’s most complex problems.
We are committed to creating a safe and supportive work environment.
We celebrate diverse working environments where all individuals can be successful and thrive.
We recognize that THE GGFF’s strength is derived from the commitment, dedication and expertise of our diverse volunteers, employees and partners.
We listen to and value the views of others.
We believe that by embracing diversity we can solve the world’s most complex problems.
We believe in the equal value of every human being and the importance of respecting and honoring each individual; we know that change happens through people.
We believe in the equal value, respect, and honor of every human being.
We strive to end all forms of oppression, exploitation, discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and intimidation.
We deplore sexual exploitation and abuse of any form, especially that of children.
We promote gender equity and fight for the dignity and human rights of everyone.
We challenge ourselves to the highest levels of learning and performance, tapping into the best of the human’s creative ability.
We value innovation, passion, compassion, determination, and perseverance.
We design effective, efficient and impactful programs.
We unlock unrealized potential by encouraging the pursuit of professional and personal growth.
We adhere to international humanitarian principles and various global standards that The GGFF upholds.
We protect The GGFF’s intellectual property, confidential information, equipment, brand, and reputation.
If you believe that any The GGFF employee, volunteer, intern, partner or contractor has acted in a manner that is inconsistent with this Core Values Commitment, please notify management by contacting us via our website’s “contact us’ button or email us at www. (access by telephone is also available).
The GGFF prohibits retaliation against any person who reports or participates in an investigation of a possible violation of our Core Values. A report made in bad faith or failure to report conduct that is inconsistent with this Core Values Commitment may result in disciplinary action.
We hold the people and partners who we work with as valuable and of intrinsic worth. Their existence and needs are important. We practice empathy, humbly serving alongside them, transparently sharing and working together to continually improve our world and organization.
We demonstrate our commitment to people by exemplifying strong moral character and a desire for trust.
We are accountable to and transparent with each other, donors, partners and the people we serve.
We listen to and value the views of others.
We work hand in hand within the organization and with our partners as well as the communities to agrees needs and fulfill their rights, responsibilities and aspirations.
We unlock unrealized potential by encouraging the pursuit of professional and personal growth.
We strive for harmony and to end all forms of oppression, exploitation, discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and intimidation.
We are committed to creating a safe and supportive work environment.
We promote gender equity and fight for the dignity and human rights of everyone.
We are committed to creating a safe and supportive work environment.
We deliver life-changing and measurable results using innovative approaches that last.
We strive to improve constantly, learn from mistakes, and embrace change.
We design effective, efficient and impactful programs.
We challenge ourselves to the highest levels of learning and performance, tapping the best of human spirit to create impact.
We are committed to clarity in communication, processes and execution within the organization and amongst the persons we work and serve with.
We will strive to design and implement practices that align with our core values and document all stages of operations from beginning till end.
We endeavor to create clearly-defined processes, activities and roles.
We challenge ourselves to high and focused team performance and accountability.
We celebrate diverse working environments where all individuals can be successful and thrive.
We recognize that The GGFF’s strength is derived from the commitment, dedication and expertise of each person on our Team
We believe that by embracing diversity we can solve complex problems by approaching it from different impactful angles.
We comply with applicable laws and regulations, as well as The GGFF’s policies and procedures.
We adhere to international humanitarian principles and various global standards.
We are responsible stewards of the funds entrusted to us, and strive to eliminate unnecessary expense.
We do not engage in or tolerate fraud, dishonesty, theft, corruption, nepotism, or bribery.
We protect The GGFF’s intellectual property, confidential information, equipment, brand, and reputation.
We avoid and report conflicts of interest and any situation that may create the appearance of a conflict.
If you believe that any GGFF employee, volunteer, intern, partner or contractor has acted in a manner that is inconsistent with our Core Values, please notify management through our contact us portal . The GGFF prohibits retaliation against any person who reports or participates in an investigation of a possible violation of our Core Values. A report made in bad faith or failure to report conduct that is inconsistent with our Core Values may result in disciplinary action.
We zealously advocate with stakeholders to meaningfully address the underlying causes of learning poverty.